On the occasion of 'National Science Day' celebrated every year on 28th February in the memory of CV Raman, the students of Innocent Hearts took a pledge to dedicate the projects prepared from their innovative ideas to the needy people of the society. Shrestha Verma, studying in Innocent Hearts Green Model Town, in Grade has designed 'Gesture Control Cycle Indicator' so that according to the movement and gesture of the cyclist, the vehicle coming from behind is given an indicator through a small LED on the back of the bicycle. Mantavya, of class X has prepared a 'Water Pollution Indicator'. With its help, the ph level, oxygen level and purity of the water can be checked. KunshBahri of class VII has designed 'Voice Operated Smart Dustbin' which will tell itself what type of garbage should be thrown in it. Akanksha, a student of class VII, has designed 'Noise Pollution Control', which will tell what is the noise level and what damages can be caused by it? Students told that science plays an important role in our life. Small inventions of science can help people in the society and can make a difference in their daily routine. Four students have also been selected for Inspire Manak Award. Each student has been provided 10000/cash so that they can prepare their project without any hindrance. The students told that their Physics teacher and Project Coordinator Mr. Amit Kumar is supporting them to fulfill their dreams. Principal Mr. Rajeev Paliwal, Cultural Head Mrs. SharmilaNakra and Head of Science Department Mrs. ManjurikaMarik congratulated the students on this stupendous success and encouraged them by wishing them all the best for their future.
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Balraj Khanna (Editor)